Sugar and Oral Health

Everyone is at risk of getting dental cavities or caries.  They are part of one of the world's most prominent public health issues. "Caries" indicates both the disease its...

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Impacted Canines

An impacted tooth stays in the gums or bone for various reasons. The impacted tooth could also be coming in at the wrong position. Canine Teeth The second-most common i...

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Full Mouth Rehabilitation

If you are wearing full upper and/or lower dentures, you could be experiencing problems such as: difficulties while eatingdiscomfort and sorenessdifficulty speakingslippin...

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The tools and methods that dental professionals use have changed over time. New research and technology directly impact how procedures are completed and what can be done to m...

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Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a procedure used by dental professionals around the world. Thanks to the advancement in bone grafting technology over the years, dental implants have seen a ...

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At Sedaros Oral Facial Surgery & Dental Implants, we do a lot of tooth extractions. This is the process of removing a tooth that can’t be saved, or needs to be removed ...

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Healthy Teeth Tips

Having healthy teeth takes some work. If you don’t practice the right dental hygiene, you may be in store for some unpleasant changes in your mouth. In honor of National To...

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Oral Care and Your Tongue

Oral health is as important as any other form of health. Sometimes it is ignored or downplayed, but just like our eyes, oral health is a window inside of how our health ...

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All About Your Wisdom Teeth

During prehistoric times, humans needed their wisdom teeth to chew the seeds, foliage, and other staples in their diet. Today, food is much softer, and wisdom teeth are no lo...

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