Oral Care and Your Tongue

Oral health is as important as any other form of health. Sometimes it is ignored or downplayed, but just like our eyes, oral health is a window inside of how our health ...

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All About Your Wisdom Teeth

During prehistoric times, humans needed their wisdom teeth to chew the seeds, foliage, and other staples in their diet. Today, food is much softer, and wisdom teeth are no lo...

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How Sugar Affects Your Teeth

There's a way to care for your teeth after you eat sugar. Our dental surgeon, in Melbourne, Fl, understands a sweet tooth and the consequences that are the result of too much...

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How Can I Benefit With L-PRF?

L-PRF is a unique treatment that uses your body's own healing abilities to enhance the success of certain dental procedures. Specifically, it uses your white blood cells to p...

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