Signs of Oral Health Issues That May Require Surgery
Have an aching tooth? How about tender or bleeding gums? Are you having difficulty chewing or swallowing? These types of symptoms could signal a more significant oral health problem. Signs and symptoms could indicate that you need oral surgery, such as wisdom teeth removal, bone grafting, or corrective jaw surgery. Let’s review some of the most common signs of oral health issues that may require surgery.
Persistent Pain or Discomfort
It’s essential to determine where the pain originates to find the cause. For example, tooth pain could indicate a loose filling, cracked tooth, exposed tooth root, or worn enamel. Jaw discomfort may also be caused by teeth grinding (bruxism) or temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).
Your oral surgeon can help diagnose your condition and address the root cause. Surgery may be needed in some cases, such as wisdom teeth removal when impacted teeth cause pain in the mouth or jaw.
Loose or Missing Teeth
Loose teeth are most commonly associated with periodontal or gum disease, which breaks down the bone that support the teeth. Gum disease, tooth decay, certain illnesses, and other causes, can result in one or more missing teeth.
As teeth help stimulate jawbone growth, missing teeth can cause the jawbone to weaken. Other teeth may also shift into the gap left by the missing teeth, which can lead to a bite misalignment.
If you are a viable candidate for a dental restoration, such as implants, dentures, or a bridge, a dentist may need to resolve the problem of missing teeth before moving forward. A missing tooth that causes the jawbone to weaken may require a surgical bone graft procedure.
Difficulty Chewing or Swallowing
Patients who experience difficulty chewing or swallowing may have oral health issues that require immediate attention. Missing teeth, poorly fitted dentures, severe tooth decay, dry mouth, and periodontal disease can all impair chewing and swallowing abilities.
Eating typically becomes a problem when chewing and swallowing issues occur. In turn, you may find it challenging to get enough food and may suffer from weight loss or malnutrition, which can further impact your oral health.
Treatment for difficulty chewing or swallowing depends on the underlying cause. For example, jaw misalignment may be resolved through orthognathic or corrective jaw surgery. If the cause is facial trauma, such as a blow to the face, oral and maxillofacial surgery can help improve function and appearance.
Other Signs of Oral Health Issues
- Facial Infections – When pain or swelling develops in the jaws, face, or neck, the discomfort may be due to an infection. An oral surgeon can help diagnose the problem and recommend treatment, which may involve surgery to drain the infection and remove a badly infected tooth.
- TMJ – Patients who experience persistent facial pain and headaches are often diagnosed with temporomandibular joint disorder. Surgery may be required to reshape the bone, remove scar tissue, and reposition the disk in the joint.
- Oral Cancer Screening – A simple oral cancer screening performed by a dental professional could reveal oral cancer. The first line of treatment for oral cancer is surgery to remove the tumor and surrounding tissue.
Ask About Dental Surgery, Melbourne, FL
If you’re experiencing signs or symptoms that could suggest needing an oral surgeon, the knowledgeable team at Sedaros Oral Facial Surgery & Dental Implants can help. We offer a range of procedures to address your oral health concerns, such as wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, bone grafting, full mouth rehabilitation, and more. Call our Melbourne, FL office today at 321.610.7868 to request an appointment.