
There comes a time when a tooth extraction or other type of oral surgery serves someone’s best interests. Decaying or infected teeth pose a significant health risk to the whole person. While an experienced oral surgeon can perform a sterile, precise, and effective procedure, patients and their families must follow a strict recovery regimen that includes rest, cold compresses, hygiene, and foods promoting healing.

At Sedaros Oral Facial Surgery & Dental Implants, we provide the safe, pain-free dental surgery Melbourne community members deserve. We hope this information regarding oral surgery and the right foods to eat during recovery proves helpful.

What To Expect During Oral Surgery Recovery

It’s not uncommon to experience swelling, bleeding, bruising, and some discomfort after the anesthesia and localized pain medications wear off. You can anticipate the nuisance will decrease relatively quickly as long as you rest and follow the recovery plan. Although everyone’s treatment and recovery strategy is unique, these are standard practices.

  • Plenty of Rest: You may require three days to over one week. The time typically does not include strict bed rest, just limiting your activities.
  • Cold Compresses: Ice packs and other cold compresses may be employed to reduce swelling and minimize bruising. During the first day of recovery, ice packs may be applied for 30 minutes, followed by a break. The time will largely depend on the type and severity of the oral surgery.
  • Oral Hygiene: Your Melbourne, FL, oral surgeon will map out a specific plan to keep the affected area clean. This may involve gargling with a solution of salt and water, effectively alleviating dry mouth, and finding ways to keep your teeth clean.

The issue of post-surgery oral hygiene requires special attention. Upwards of 46 percent of children and young adults between 2 and 19 years old suffer dental caries—cavities—on their primary teeth. This problem persists across age brackets, with 26 percent of people 20-44 getting cavities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, other age brackets do not fare significantly better. Melbourne residents can avoid inflaming the area or causing an infection by eating the right foods during oral surgery recovery.

Foods that Promote Healing After Oral Surgery

It’s essential to keep in mind the foods you eat after oral surgery must match the condition of your teeth and gums. Tooth extraction and jaw surgeries generally require stitches that can be delicate to the touch. They are in place to prevent bleeding and infection. With that in mind, these are among the best foods to eat while recovering.

  • Shakes: Shakes are an excellent way to get the recommended daily protein allowance without biting down. A wide variety of animal-based and vegan protein powders can be mixed with cold, non-acidic liquids.
  • Yogurts: Yogurts with soft fruit are ideal resources for regaining your appetite. The consistency generally doesn’t affect the stitches, and yogurts are a highly touted source of probiotics.
  • Smoothies: Putting fruit in a blender to make a healthy beverage takes some thoughtful consideration. Acidic fruit and vegetable juices like orange and tomato can irritate the area. Check with your Melbourne oral surgeon’s office to see which fruits and vegetables are suitable for smoothies.

During the early days of oral surgery recovery, you’ll lean on soft foods such as shakes, yogurts, smoothies, applesauce, pasta, and maybe even mashed potatoes. Over about seven days, you can integrate firmer menu items that require chewing slowly. ‘

The healing process also involves removing certain items that tend to cause setbacks. For example, spicy foods can make the incision sore, and products such as crackers can leave pieces stuck to the sutures or embedded in the wound. Naturally, alcohol and tobacco use are hard nos.

Contact the Oral Surgeon Melbourne FL Residents Trust

If you are concerned about impacted wisdom teeth or are experiencing telltale signs of an underlying problem, we’re here to help. The experienced professionals at Sedaros Dental Surgery specialize in oral surgery, such as wisdom tooth removal. Contact our Melbourne, FL, office today to schedule a consultation.