
If you are wearing full upper and/or lower dentures, you could be experiencing problems such as:

  • difficulties while eating
  • discomfort and soreness
  • difficulty speaking
  • slipping/rocking dentures
  • excess saliva
  • bone loss

Dentures lie directly on the gum surface. They do not have roots to stimulate bone growth. Over time, your jawbone will shrink, causing the lower part of your face to shorten.

Also, while a cost-effective means for replacing missing teeth, removable dentures can start to loosen and shift over time.

Dental Implants

Overdentures for Full Lower Teeth Replacement

If you are experiencing problems wearing dentures, you could be a candidate for Locator Overdenture implant surgery. The dentist places metal implants, which serve as a solid foundation for placement of an overdenture.

Fixed Hybrid Implants Provide a Natural Experience

Then there is the Fixed Hybrid implant. A temporary full set of teeth can be placed over four to six implants, usually all in one day. As the surgery heals and the implants are finally absorbed into the bone, after about six weeks, the dentist installs the final prosthesis. When completed, the Fixed Hybrid method offers the closest alternative to having natural teeth.

Zygomatic Implants – For Those With Insufficient Bone Mass

Finally, for patients who lack sufficient bone in the upper jaw because of tooth loss or other problems, there is the option of zygoma implants. The zygomatic bone (or cheekbone) is a diamond-shaped bone below the eye socket. There are two of them, one on each side of your face, and the zygoma plays an important role in chewing and anchoring the muscle that closes the jaw.

The zygomatic dental implants are tilted and much longer than the traditional dental implants. With the zygomatic implants, the metal implant is attached to the cheekbone in the part of the upper jaw away from the sinus cavities. This could be a better alternative than extensive (and expensive) bone grafting or sinus lifts.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants have significant advantages over other types of restoration:

  • The dentist can save surrounding healthy teeth without, for example, grinding down adjacent teeth to anchor a dental bridge.
  • No matter how long your teeth have been missing, in most cases Dr. Sedaros can immediately install an implant or, if necessary, build up the bone structure through grafting.
  • Implants blend well with the surrounding teeth and feel natural.
  • With full mouth rehabilitation, you can begin chewing your food more thoroughly. Your digestion and overall health will improve. You will not have to rely on your front incisors—designed for biting and tearing–to do double duty.

Care for Snap-in and Anchored Dentures

Your dentist will recommend how often you should return for cleaning and maintenance of your implants. While implant dentistry has a high (over 90%) success rate, patients at risk for periodontal disease need ongoing attention to keep the implants free of plaque.

Home care tools for best home maintenance between dental office visits include a water pick, an electric toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste. For full-mouth dentures, Super Floss by Oral-B is the ideal tool for cleaning the space between the gums and the anchored prosthesis.

Implants Can Change Your Life

The bottom line is that dental implants can be life-changing. More permanent and better fitting than dentures, implants look natural and won’t rock back and forth like dentures. With improved looks and restored dental stability, your self-confidence will increase.

Also, you will no longer grind your teeth. Your new implants will be perfectly aligned with your existing teeth. You will no longer awaken in the middle of the night with a sore jaw caused by bruxism– teeth grinding and clenching caused by, among other things, misalignment of teeth.

Contact Dr. Sedaros

Dr. Steve Sedaros is your oral surgeon in Melbourne, FL. He has been practicing in Florida since 2004. His team of highly qualified professionals are dedicated to restoring and maintaining patient dental health, comfort, and confidence.

If you have questions about our services and areas of general practice, contact us. Questions about your options for treatment and dental care can be addressed by your doctor during a consultation appointment.