Are teeth-in-an-hour right for you?
If you’ve got damaged, broken, or missing teeth that leave you feeling self conscious and unable to smile or laugh as much as you want to, teeth-in-an-hour could be the solution you’ve been waiting for!
With teeth-in-an-hour, you can have a full-mouth dental implant restoration in just 60 minutes! Technology allows for increased safety, comfort, and more precise implants than ever before. Following the procedure, you will have restored dental health and a full set of functional teeth without the hassle and discomfort of dentures. Our patients typically resume their daily routine the following day.
The process starts with an appointment for a CAT scan of your mouth and jawbone. With the scan, we generate a three-dimensional model that allows us to plan the implant placement before you’re ever at the office for surgery. Normally, a surgeon must begin the procedure in order to execute a plan, but with the virtual reality software, we’re able to do all of that planning beforehand and we’re ready to implant your teeth-in-an-hour quickly and efficiently.
If you’ve been dissatistified with the fit, comfort, and follow-up care required for dentures or if you’ve been putting off a set of implants due to fear of the procedure, teeth-in-an-hour provide an alternative that is safe, long-lasting, effective, functional, and fast! You could be smiling brighter in no time at all with your teeth-in-an-hour!