
Have you recently been told that you need to have your wisdom teeth or third molars extracted?  Wisdom tooth removal is extremely common, and most individuals have their wisdom teeth removed by the age of 25. Individuals usually opt to have their wisdom teeth removed if they have not fully erupted, cause pain or are infected or impacted. Recovery from wisdom tooth removal can be difficult, but if you follow the instructions of your oral surgeon you should heal quickly and properly. 

Understanding  Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal is a type of oral surgery that requires the skills of an oral surgeon, like Dr. Steve A. Sedaros in Melbourne, FL, especially if the teeth are impacted.  Before your third molars are removed, you are often given medication to help you relax and numb the nerves so that you do not feel any pain.  This can be accomplished with general anesthesia, local anesthesia or nitrous oxide (laughing gas).  After the surgery, you will be given a list of instructions to follow while you recover.

Recovering from Wisdom Tooth Removal

Directly after the surgery, you will still be under the influence of the pain medication given prior to the surgery.  Our dentist in Melbourne will also provide you with a script for additional pain medicine to be taken as needed as well as an antibiotic.

The First 24 Hours

For the first 24 hours after the extraction, you may notice some oozing from the surgical site.  This is normal.  Some discomfort, pain, and swelling may occur for the first 24 to 72 hours.  To help reduce swelling and pain, you should place an ice pack or cold pack against your jaw and take any pain medication according to the directions.  If your jaw becomes sore or stiff, you should place a warm cloth on your jaw.  You should also open and close your mouth on a regular basis to help with stiffness and to exercise your jaw.  You will also want to avoid brushing, flossing, rinsing and using a straw.  Our dentist also recommends avoiding carbonated drinks, alcoholic beverages and smoking or using tobacco products.  Performing these actions can dislodge the clots and lead to dry socket.

24 to 72 Hours After Surgery

After 24 hours, you can gently brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with salt water to help prevent infection.  You will also want to continue your diet of soft foods for about 72 hours.  Semi-soft foods can be reintroduced as you start feeling better.  You will still want to avoid using a straw, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.  Strenuous exercise is also not recommended for the first week.

One Week After Your Surgery

You should start feeling better after 72 hours and be able to resume your normal daily activities.  About a week after your surgery, you will want to schedule a follow-up appointment with our dentist in Melbourne.  During this appointment, our oral surgeon will inspect the site to ensure it is healing properly and give you additional instructions.  You can also discuss your surgery and ask questions about your recovery.  If you have noticed any problems with the surgical site, you would want to ask those questions during your appointment.  However, if you experience foul tasting drainage, noticed puss, have a fever or have severe swelling and pain, you would want to contact our oral surgeon right away before your one-week follow-up appointment to receive additional treatment for potential complications.

Wisdom Tooth Removal with Our Oral Surgeon

If you have your wisdom teeth and are uncertain as to whether they need to be removed, you can schedule an appointment with our oral surgeon.  If your wisdom teeth are not fully erupted, impacted or crooked, removal may be recommended.  We may also recommend removal if you cannot clean your wisdom teeth properly.  If your wisdom teeth are healthy, we may simply recommend monitoring and more frequent professional cleaning by your local dentist.

For more information about wisdom teeth removal and to schedule an appointment, call us at 321-610-7868.