
Early detection of oral cancer is vital to improving your health. The earlier the cancer is diagnosed, the faster you can get into treatment. Unfortunately, many individuals overlook the signs and symptoms of oral cancer which leads to a delay in both diagnosis and treatment.

Understanding the signs and symptoms of oral cancer can help you seek treatment from a qualified oral surgeon or healthcare provider.

Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer

The symptoms of oral cancer are actually broken up into two different categories: early cancer and late cancer.

Examples of symptoms of early stage oral cancer include:

  • Teeth moving or shifting without any explanation or cause
  • A red or white ulcer that seems to never heal or constantly keeps coming back
  • Unexplained oral bleeding
  • Prolonged hoarseness

Examples of symptoms of late stage oral cancer include:

  • Obstruction of the airway
  • Altered vision
  • Dysesthesia of the lips and tongue
  • Chronic earache that never goes away

Any person is at risk of developing oral cancer. However, some individuals have a higher risk of developing oral cancer. Individuals who are at a high risk of getting oral cancer include chronic smokers, people who chew tobacco, people with a family history of oral cancer, and people over the age of 40.

Diagnostic Tests and Examinations Used to Detect Oral Cancer

If you suspect you are showing signs or symptoms of oral cancer, it is important that you schedule an examination with an oral surgeon like Dr. Sedaros. Dr. Sedaros can conduct a complete examination that looks for any lesions, ulcers, or tumors in the gums, cheeks, lips, neck, and palate.

Should there be signs of oral cancer Dr. Sedaros will schedule an appointment to run several tests. Tests that may be scheduled include complete dental x-rays, CT scans, and biopsies.

Call our office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sedaros to have a complete examination for oral cancer or to discuss other diagnostic testing that may be able to help you.